Journal Articles

Heterogeneity in Damages from a Pandemic (with Amy Finkelstein, Maria Polyakova, and Victoria Udalova). Review of Economics and Statistics, October 2024. 

Racial Disparities in Excess All-Cause Mortality During the Early COVID-19 Pandemic Varied Substantially Across States (with Maria Polyakova, Victoria Udalova, Katie Genadek, Keith Finlay, and Amy Finkelstein). Health Affairs, February 2021.

Initial economic damage from the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States is more widespread across ages and geographies than initial mortality impacts (with Maria Polyakova, Victoria Udalova, and Amy Finkelstein). PNAS: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, October 2020.


Working Papers

School Desegregation and Long-Run Health, March 2023.


Works in Progress 

Does a Common Application Increase Access? Theory and Evidence from Boston's Charters (with Christopher Avery and Parag Pathak).

Sorting or Supporting? The Role of Elementary Gifted and Talented Programs in Academic Mobility (with Jimmy Chin).

Massachusetts Charter School Recovery from Pandemic Learning Loss.


Other Publications

After a Debacle, How California Became a Role Model on Measles (with Emily Oster). The New York Times, January 2018.