Publications & Papers

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On the Dynamics of Aggregate Investment

in Striving for Growth After Adjustment: The Role of Capital Formation, The World Bank, 1993, 65-87. eds. Luis Serven and Andres Solimano
Ricardo Caballero
December 1993
The Medieval Village Economy: A Study of the Pareto Mapping in General Equilibrium Models



External Effects and Europe's Integration

in European Integration: Trade and Industry, New York: Cambridge University Press, 1991. eds. L. Alan Winters and Anthony Venables,
Ricardo Caballero, R.K. Lyons
December 1991

Sustainable Intervention Policies and Exchange Rate Dynamics

in Exchange Rate Targets and Currency Bands, New York: Cambridge University Press, 1991. eds. Marcus Miller and Paul Krugman
Giuseppe Bertola, Ricardo Caballero
December 1991
Development Economics

Envy, from Essays in Honour of Professor Dipak Banerjee

Economics Theory and Policy , Essays in Honour of Dipak Banerjee
Abhijit Banerjee
December 1990
Financial Structure and Economic Organization



Financial Structure and Economic Organization

Basil Blackwell Inc.
Robert M. Townsend
January 1990

Kinked Adjustment Costs and Aggregate Dynamics

in NBER Macroeconomics Annual 1990, Cambridge: The MIT Press, January 1990, 237 - 296.
Giuseppe Bertola, Ricardo Caballero
January 1990
The Second Industrial Divide  cover photo

The Second Industrial Divide

New York; Basic Books, Inc.
Michael J. Piore and Charles Sabel
January 1984
book cover

Dualism and Discontinuity in Industrial Society

Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press
Suzanne Berger and Michael Piore
January 1980
book cover

Birds of Passage: Migrant Labor and Industrial Societies

Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press
Michael J. Piore
January 1979

Internal Labor Markets and Manpower Adjustment

New York: D.C. Heath and Company
Peter Doeringer and Michael Piore
January 1971
Industrial Organization, Economic Theory

Search and Obfuscation in a Technologically Changing Retail Environment: Some Thoughts on Implications and Policy

NBER Innovation Policy and The Economy, 6, pp 1-25, Volume 18
Glenn Ellison, Sara Fisher Ellison
We've Got You Covered

We've Got You Covered: Rebooting American Health Care

Portfolio, July 2023
Amy Finkelstein and Liran Einav